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Stealth microrobots fly under the radar of the immune system

Stealth microrobots fly under the radar of the immune system

Our immune system generally protects us from pathogens but sometimes it can work against us by eliminating drugs or other therapeutics circulating in our bloodstream


pi Pol Cabanach Xifro
Pol Cabanach Xifro
Visiting Ph.D. Student
pi Abdon Pena-Francesch
Abdon Pena-Francesch
Assistant Professor at University of Michigan Ann Arbour, USA
pi Devin Sheehan
Devin Sheehan
Research Technician
pi Ugur Bozuyuk
Ugur Bozuyuk
Postdoctoral Researcher
pi Oncay Yasa
Oncay Yasa
Post-doc at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
pi Metin Sitti
Metin Sitti
Guest Researcher